Trotec safety

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Always stay present when the laser is on!! Pause if you need to leave, otherwise the machine might catch fire

Laser and eyes

The light from the laser is harmful for your eyes, but a closed lid filters out almost all of the harmful radiation. Using the laser on shiny metallic materials exacerbates these risks.


It is necessary to vent out any smoke. The laser has a strong, built in smoke exhaust system, which will care of the fumes. Wait 30 seconds before opening the lid when you workpiece is done to make sure all the fumes are gone. Ask a FabLab employee to help when the smoke is not exhausted properly. Be aware that excessive smoke limits the effectiveness of the laser.


There is a slim chance your work will catch fire. A laser cutter basically burns away material very quickly and on a very small scale. Normally this is insufficient to cause fire, but sometimes it happens. You can extinguish starting fires easily by squirting some water on your work using the water spray bottle by the machine. When this does not work use the fire extinguisher aerosol and call an FabLab employee.

We require you to keep an eye on the machine when cutting or engraving and extinguish any flames.